Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Kitchen Faucet

Costco had a sale last week on a kitchen faucet we have been eyeing. The one that came with the house was a huge pain. The lever was hard to turn and would stick and you could only go extreme hot and extreme cold.

Here is what the old one looked like:

Now here is our new lovely faucet! Its soooo smooth and doesn't stick when you turn it like the old one and best of all we have better tempetature control. It sure is sweet!

 It even has a cool pull out on it as well as a built in soap dispenser! I have never had such a fancy faucet. ;)
Someday we will eventually replace our sink for one with one large bowl instead of the two smaller ones. We need to replace the counter tops first....but that is a wee bit down the road.

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