Thursday, March 8, 2012

Guest Bathroom new look!

This past weekend along with all the yard work we did and replacing our kitchen faucet. We also were able to get some more painting in. We transformed the old guest bathroom cabinets from the old dingy wood to a dark chocolate brown.

Here is how it looked before:

And here is how it looks now:

We also painted the old light fixture. It had an old gold backer with wood. It now matches the cabinet paint and hardware below. 

Overall this was a pretty fast project. Took just the weekend to mostly finish. The thing that took the longest was the cabinet doors because we couldn't flip them over until they were dry. We have been really pleased with this special cabinet, door and trim paint we have been using throughout the house but you have to let it dry a day between coats. We put the final coat on the doors on Tuesday night and last night we were finally able to put the doors on to complete the look.

We are really pleased at how updated it makes in the bathroom look. This weekend we will be picking out a light green or light blue color for the walls. Stay tuned for that reveal.

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