Monday, March 5, 2012

Cat door for tubby cats!

Since moving the cats litter box into our laundry room a few weeks back we usually have our laundry room door closed because aged washer and dryer is quite noisy when they are running. So we decided to install a cat door. Now we couldnt just get any cat door for our two "Big Boned" cats. We had to get the Tubby Kat Cat Door since our cats are around the 20-25 pound range. Yeah they are a bit Tubby...but they are both farm cats so they are a bit bigger than normal house cats ;) That's what we keep telling them at least.

I didnt get any shots of Terry actually cutting into our door and installing the cat door. Since he did it while I made a quick trip to the grocery store. It was a very fast project since he was practically done in the 30 minutes I was away. The kit came with a diagram that you just place on the door and cut around it to make the perfect size hole. We rehung the door and then it was time for testing to see how smart our cats are. 

At first they didnt seem to want to come out so we had to go to extreame measures and put out their ultimate weakness...wet cat food!

They really love their wet cat food. 

But Butch loves it more. This is why he is our biggest cat.  

To be honest it took Barley a very long time to figure out how to successfully get in and out of the door. As you can see he is quite mad that Butch is eating all the food and he evenutally figured it out.

Barley a bit angry at us for a while afterwards for installing such a scary contraption and keeping him away from his one true love...wet cat food.

Butch on the other hand was just as happy as a clam and ready for a nap.

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