Monday, February 6, 2012

What you can accomplish in 15 hours!

This past weekend we worked our behinds off! We accomplished SO much and are thoroughly pleased with the outcome. Below is what we accomplished in working 15 hours one Saturday!

We painted all of the trim on the windows and floor trim white.

The Fireplace mantel, all the trim were painted white and we also painted the fireplace wall a neutral light brown color. This is the color we will use throughout the house.


And After

We also finished Terry's office. We initially wanted to paint it Yellow....but the color we picked out was way too bright! It was like a super lemon color. So we ran to the store just before closing and switched to a light green shade. I think it was called "Spring Time Green". We are just thrilled at the way it turned out and Terry is glad that his office is completely finished now :)

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