Tuesday, February 21, 2012

President's Day Weekend Accomplishments

We got a lot help from Terry's parents this weekend and we sure were thankful for all they did in helping us complete the rest of the wall painting in our home. Thanks a million for all your help! We did a lovely light sea foam green accent wall in our living room & dining room.

We also finished painting the rest of the walls the neutral light brown color.

The hallway leading to the bedrooms we painted a grey blue color. It was hard to get some good shots of this color because the hallway is already so dark.

After we finished all of that painting we decided that we wanted to rebuild our laundry room wash sink and transform it into a place we can put our litter box for our three crazy cats. In the past it was in our formal living room....NOT an ideal place for a litter box. We tried fitting it underneath our old wash sink in the laundry room but it was too wide/tall. So my genius husband and father in law ended up purchasing a new larger wider wash sink. They then designed and built a taller stand for it to sit on. Leaving room for the litter box underneath it. I am just so happy about this I could scream. It was such an eye sore for me in the living room.
Old wash sink


Putting in the stand

Finished Product!

We are very happy to say that pretty much all of the major wall painting is done in our house except for the built-in cabinets in our family room, kitchen cabinets, laundry room, guest bath and our guest bedroom. Even though it seems like we have a lot left to still paint... now that I am typing it out but we still feel like we have accomplished a lot in just 4 short months!



  1. Everything looks so amazing! Your living room looks like something out of a home design magazine, I love that the couch pillows match the wall color, it really ties it all together! I can't wait to see it in person :)

  2. Oh how I love you Sherill! About 15 minutes ago I was just complaining to Terry that no one is following our blog or making comments....then BAM I get a comment from you! You are so awesome! Thank you for your wonderful complements & cant wait to show you guys! :)

  3. Oh, I'm following and loving your progress!! So happy for you guys.
