Tuesday, December 13, 2011

New Bedding

Since Terry travels so much he looked at all of his hotel points and realized that he had a ton and turned them all in to Amazon.com gift cards. So with that money we ended up getting some new bedding to match the new Purple Dragon room ;) Now we just need to get something up on the walls. Especially the wall behind the bed. Have not decided what will go there...but when we do we will let you know. Anyone have any ideas for us?


  1. Cute bedding! I think it would look really cute if you added 2 big fluffy/textured pillows to it too. And I vote for a big rectangular silver edged mirror above the bed. :)

  2. You should do a painting with light yellow/orange to brighten it up, or greens in it to make it relaxing. Or one of your photos you've taken.
