Monday, November 14, 2011

The Move!

The sale of our new house closed on October 14, 2011. We spend almost most every day after work filling up our cars and driving over to the new place and unpacking what we could. I did most of the moving on my own while Terry studied for his PE exam that was coming up on the 28th of October.

The cats helped out a lot by jumping into every box I got out to pack up! They had the best time romping through all the mess and driving us nutzo!

The day after Terry took his exam we jumped on the plane and went to Maui for a week with our cousins James and Leslie. We all had a glorious time together enjoying the warm weather.

We got back into Seattle around 2am on Saturday morning! We got a wink of sleep & got up around 5am to pack up the cats drive them over to the new house so they would be out of the way while we got our final big stuff out of our condo. It was a long day but things went fairly quickly thanks to the help of some awesome friends (Alex and Nick) and so did the unpacking because most of it was already done from all the work we had done the weeks before. Probably one of the longest but most easiest moves I have ever done. Now we are looking forward to lots of space and tons of DIY projects!

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